maandag 17 januari 2011

Shaking Godspeed

I don't think many of you know who Shaking Godspeed are, so here a small introduction. Shaking Godspeed is a Dutch Rock 'n Roll band, from the Achterhoek.

Why do I post this? Well, I was watching a television programme yesterday, called the Nederpopshow. It's a music quiz programme, but what I found interesting was the competition between 7 artists of very different genres. Each week, one artist could perform. At the end, there was one winner. The winner got a very special prize, namely a performance at Sziget Festival in Budapest, Hungary. Sziget is one of the biggest music festivals in Europe.
Guess who the winner is? Yeah that's right, Shaking Godspeed. Personally, I think Rock 'N Roll music is very cool, and the stage presence of this band is great, so I hope they give a great show at Sziget!
Definitely a band to watch out for!

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