vrijdag 24 juni 2011


I wanted to post something again, that hasn't got anything to do with music. So therefore i though: 'what can i post?' I can never think of something interesting, but then i thought.'why not make a post about something i am really interested in.' So i dug in my mind and found a subject.
I am just totally in love with any kind of piercing. I don't know why. I am just obsessed with piercings and tattoos.

I have one piercing myself, a helix.

This is a helix piercing. I got it when i was 14, for my birthday. This was the only piercing i was allowed to get. Now i am 16, and i think that i'm old enough to decide for myself. I have wanted more piercings since i got the helix. Now i don't know which one to get, therefore i want your help.
I will show the piercings I really like, and you can vote for the one you like the most, okay? :)

Okay, the first one, a septum.

I really like this kind of piercing. I think it looks extremely awesome and tough.

Second one, a lip piercing.

I have wanted a lip piercing for ages, but I don't know if i still want it, because there are so many other piercings that i like.

Third one, a smiley piercing.

I like this one because it's only visible when you smile, that's what i think is so cool. I just wonder if it isn't irritating.

The last one i would like, collarbone piercings.

These are skin plates, on your collarbones. They look so cool! The only thing about these is that it could be annoying with your clothes and showering etc.

So, which one do you guys like the most?

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I like the first piercing =)
    En mijn Engels stinkt, dus ik ga over op Nederlands.
    Ik denk niet dat ik ooit een piercing ga laten zetten, want ik ben nou eenmaal niet zo'n held. Maar als ik er één laat zetten, kies ik voor een ringetje in m'n oor =D

  2. septums rocken!
    wil er zelf eentje,
    maar derma anchors of hoe je het schrijft moet je echt nooit nemen!
    verder is het wel awesome, alleen die ene smiley piercing is weird...
